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Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) – How to Avoid Your Worst Nightmare

As federal agencies and programs embrace an advanced cloud strategy, the need to establish a sound and tested disaster recovery plan is becoming even more crucial to mission success. Disaster recovery plans ensure data availability, business continuity, and reputational trust when a system interruption occurs. Nobody can predict exactly when a worst-case scenario will strike.

What Is a Government Community Cloud?

Now more than ever, Federal, state, and local government agencies are migrating to a cloud environment to host the critical business processes that support their mission objectives. The same can be said of commercial enterprises and private organizations, but the needs of the government are unique.

Understanding the Difference Between Government Cloud Contract Vehicles

Contract vehicles are the mechanism through which the federal government purchases products and services from the commercial market. The contract vehicle process streamlines a federal agency’s complicated transactions, ensuring the government receives standardized and market-rate goods and services from pre-vetted and approved vendors and merchants with reduced administrative waste.

GovDataHosting Achieves HHS FISMA High ATO

IT-CNP's GovDataHosting has been awarded a FISMA High Authority to Operate (ATO) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide cloud hosting services for the Office of the Deputy Chief Information Officer – Operations (DCIO-Ops) within the HHS Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).

Choosing a CSP for Your Government Agency? Make Sure These Six Criteria Are Covered

Government agencies are turning to the cloud for scalable solutions and cost-effective collaboration across the enterprise. However, while the need to invest in new technologies and software is apparent, many struggle with the procurement of a cloud service provider (CSP) for their government agency – especially given the steep barriers to entry and risk involved in data migration.

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