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Government networks face new cybersecurity threats every day, both internally and externally, and are far from immune to these all-too common dangers.

The vigilant hardening, vulnerability mediation, and management of firewalls, antivirus updates, spam blockers, and other security measures can be a colossal – and expensive – drain on in-house IT resources that are already strapped for cash. Meanwhile, stringent regulations, such as FISMA and HIPAA compliance – and standards regarding PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and PHI (Protected Health Information) – only add to the frustration.

What’s more, compliance is often a moving target of complex and confusing inside baseball and technical jargon, even for government agencies.

Managed security compliance can be your answer.

A qualified managed security compliance provider (MSCP) can handle the legwork involved in documenting each information system as part of the Assessment & Authorization process, while simultaneously providing overall systems hardening, vulnerability scanning, management and IT operations. By consistently maintaining and supporting a customer’s systems, GovDataHosting ensures their priorities come first.

As a MSCP, GovDataHosting prepares full documentation for initial A&A packages, guaranteeing full compliance with each individual agency, NIST, and FedRAMP ISCM requirements.

By identifying vulnerabilities and implementing corrective measures, our experts reduce the risk of compromised systems, and ensure that government mandated security compliance requirements are implemented and consistent across all system components.

Additionally, we provide:

  • Continuous monitoring of required security controls
  • Increased visibility into the security of cloud hosted assets and data
  • Improved evaluation and control of changes to information systems
  • Awareness of applicable threat, vulnerabilities, and zero-day exploits
  • Vulnerability tracking through Plan of Actions and Milestones (POAM)

Is your organization in need of managed security compliance solutions?

GovDataHosting can help identify risks to your agency’s systems and will work together with you to ensure compliance. We offer managed government information assurance for systems categorized as low, moderate, or high risk, and deliver results on-time, on target, and within budget.

Request your free quote today.

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